Equine Assisted Learning Centre
Watch a video of our horses playing in the field
The Enterprise Centre is an Equine Assisted Learning and accredited animal therapy establishment situated in the heart of The Kirklees Valley Nature Reserve in Bury Lancashire.
We provide alternative education for young people using horses, dogs and goats as a learning aid and animal-assisted therapy. See school projects for more information
We also offer a range of adult and community programmes
And women only Step up to Success, confidence and well-being programmes
Our accredited programmes are endorsed by UK Rural Skills.
Please see our Alternative Provision Quality Assurance Report
Kirklees Country Community Café and Friendship Hub
FREE access to activitiesWe are pleased to share what’s new in 2024:
- Art and crafts courses
- Community gardening (free coffee and cake)
- Male well being programmes
Pre-booking is essential via email or Facebook. State what you are interested in, your name, date of birth and contact number so we can get in touch.
🐎Pennies for Ponies 🐎
The Enterprise Centre is an Equine Assisted Learning and accredited animal therapy establishment. We are a charity and all donations go towards the daily care of our therapy ponies. It costs us around £4,500 a year to care and look after them.
Any help via donation will be greatly appreciated or buy raffle tickets for a chance to win Swarovski crystal jewellery donated by Clear Crystal.

Our Projects

Naturally Enterprising is an initiative that combines enterprise training and personal development with the natural environment. Our purpose is to build capacity and develop confidence for those in need and we do this by encouraging individuals to access the many benefits of nature whilst contributing to the development of local community green spaces.

We have had several years of successful experiences working with women-only groups. In the last 4 years, we have delivered FREE Step up training programmes to 250 women in groups, most of whom were NEET/disadvantaged, experienced poor mental health, or low self-esteem/confidence.
Last year we delivered Marvelously Managing Menopausecourses to 48 women suffering from the various symptoms of menopause. All the women said they felt empowered, increased their confidence and were generally enabled to manage what they were experiencing.
We have just received more funds to continue this work throughout 2024. We are now also running a women’s network group to make new friends and share experiences in our beautiful pavilion with free cakes and cuppas. This is fortnightly on the 2nd and 3rd Thursday of the month 10-12am. contact tik.theenterprisecentre@gmail. com
The Enterprise Centre is a Equine specialist education centre that benefits from it’s unique environment situated in the heart of the Kirkless Valley Nature Reserve.
We work with both primary and secondary schools in the area providing 1 to 1 or 1 to 3 tailored learning programmes. We also provide facilitated small group sessions. We specialise in working with SEND and SEMH young people using our equine assisted learning and we have great results.
Kirklees Lodge
The Enterprise Centre has 3 bespoke training rooms a donation café and the stables built to house our lovely ponies. We have 2 Welsh non-backed ponies and a 15hand Arab Welsh Cross. We have 2 therapy dogs, 2 cats and recently we rescued 2 goats
We are currently undertaking some massive repairs to our Education Centre Roof.
You can now see us on the Maps which are scattered across the Trail.